20-02-20 is a date impossible to forget; the grayling.shop goes online for the first time, and the next day, the Covid pandemic begins in Italy—not a bad start. So, plans were completely turned upside down right from the start—fairs canceled, meetings postponed, organized trips canceled, and so much more. Thank goodness health and the desire to pursue a dream have never been lacking. Amidst one lockdown and another, with great determination, I rolled up my sleeves and started planting some seeds here and there—the seeds of the Grayling Trophy Club, very vulnerable seeds to the elements, especially during a time like this, which need to be watered and cared for with passion. Now, a year later, I am very proud of the results achieved; the seeds are starting to sprout, and the Grayling Trophy Club is a reality—a club of grayling fishing enthusiasts with almost 3,000 members across 4 continents.
In the past 12 months, I have had the pleasure of receiving photos, videos, and stories from many countries, from fishermen of all ages and from every latitude, all united by the same passion for grayling. The Instagram page is literally filled with photos of grayling, but also rivers, flies, or simple snapshots of emotions, which is the true value of a photo; you don’t need to photograph a big fish to convey an emotion. Austria, Italy, Sweden, Slovenia, Germany, Poland, France, Switzerland, Finland, Belgium, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Scotland, Wales, England, Norway, even Canada and Alaska, and also Mongolia, New Zealand, Russia, Siberia—this has been a very exciting and interesting virtual journey. I hope to increase the number of countries this year and, of course, to meet some grayling fishermen in person!
I want to share some photographs from the past season with you, thank you so much for your support, and wish you a fishing season filled with satisfaction and plenty of grayling!
2nd Hanak Grayling Trophy
Choosing the cane by Franta Hanák